Would You Like A Little Tea With Your Cat Hair?

Running across some cute cat teacups on Pinterest reminded me of the rise of cat cafes. If you are not familiar with the concept, these are cafes that generally serve drinks and maybe light food but the interior is home to maybe a dozen friendly and furry cats. It's been done is several places the world over, but here is an example from San Francisco. It's a great idea for non-pet owners who are looking for a cuddle and many of these cafes seem to be doing well. 

I love the idea, but of course I already live in one. I haven't had a cup of coffee without cat hair in it since 2005. Even then, technically it was only a 12-18 month break between pets. Such is the life. But if you can do with even more cat in your cup, here are some cute options floating out there. 

Table for two.

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