Purina Tidy Cat LightWeight Litter Review

Score: 2 out of 5
Buy Again: No

I really wanted to like this litter. I mean so so much. It does have a lot of good points. For anyone who has lugged cat litter up flights of stairs, you will know the intense yearning for a lightweight litter. I have two giant cats as well, so odor control is big as is quick and solid clumping so I can scoop. It delivered on all of these things. So far so good. However, the huge drawback is also the selling point. The lightweight litter was so lightweight and quick clumping that it cemented itself to my cats' paws. This was a huge downside as they were constantly tearing it out with their teeth and potentially ingesting some of it. You just can't have that with litter! It broke my heart to discover this as it was one of the best litters I've tried otherwise, but potentially harming the health of my cats is something I just can't risk. Bye-bye LightWeight. 

Quick, solid clumping
Good odor control
Good Price

Literally cements to cats paws
Potentially ingestible

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