Build Your Own Cat Perch

Click here or the picture above to get this tutorial. This is probably one of my favorite cat tree tutorials because it's step by step and includes all the pictures. It's imminently doable for anyone with a few basic tools. Plus, you can jazz it up any way you want or add your cats favorite toys. 

Looking for a three level effect? Here's something that might fit the bill. This is especially great for anyone with older cats who are not as comfortable jumping or climbing. My Fluff is that way and he would never use the perch I bought because the bottom level was too high. 

Not looking to build? If you're an apartment dweller like me, you may not have the tools or space to build your own so this is definitely the way to go. I love all the levels and huts. Big Fluffy can use it because the steps are low enough to the ground and Felix would love the height. Plus, they deliver. WAY better than trying to fit your perch in the backseat of a sedan like I did! 

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