Spend Valentine's Day with Your Cat

Are you spending the day of love with your cats? Again? No fear! I'm a big advocate of taking the day off from dates and people and makeup to spend it with cats who don't care what I look like as long as I smell like tuna.

This Yahoo article, 7 Reasons Why Your Cat is the Best Valentine's Date, lists 7 reasons I can completely agree with, but let me add a few more.

1. You don't have to dress up in your uncomfortable Spanx, shave your legs, or wrestle with false eyelashes for your cat.
2. You don't need to get an elaborate gift, just some catnip and they're happy.
3. You don't have to spend hours grocery shopping for your romantic meal - just chocolate for you and canned food for them. They're a very inexpensive date!
4. Hanging out at home is also their idea of a really good time.
5. They're totally not romantic, just like you - cats know just the right amount of cuddle time before it gets to be too much.
6. Cats won't get upset if you bring back the wrong kind of flowers.
7. There are no expectations at the end of the night.
8. They'll still sleep with you. And it's much easier to kick them out of bed.
9. They don't judge you for getting sloppy drunk and singing or crying or trying to dance.
10. They'll remember it all the next day, but never say a thing! 
Bonus: Cats can't use cell phones to capture the night for posterity. Or blackmail. 

And if that's not enough for you, then I've got just the thing...

You're welcome.

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